Movember & Fundraising!As part of the Movember movement, we are fundraising! As some of you may know, we have been running the Shed off a diesel generator for the past 3 years. With the rising cost of fuel and increasing power requirements for the various tools we use, as well as the desire to power the Shed using renewable energy, we are looking to connect the Shed to the electrical grid. To do this, we are raising funds to contribute to the cost of the works for National Grid to connect us to the electrical cable just outside our little Shed. We know times are especially tough at the moment with the cost of living crisis and with the run up to Christmas, so we truly do appreciate any support you can give. Aside from the fundraising, we'd like to take the opportunity to share some links to support. Please remember, if you or anyone you know is struggling with mental health, we are always here for you and you are not alone. Please message us, or if you're feeling up to it, come to the Shed on Wednesdays and Fridays and you will be welcomed into the Shedder family! Call 111 for when you need help but are not in danger. If you are in danger, please call 999 as soon as possible. Whatever you're going through, the Samaritans are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. For a list of NHS urgent helplines as well as access to therapy and counselling services.
PicturesEvening Shedders, here are some pictures from the last few months at the Shed. Men's Shed Opera at ClydachHello Shedders! Well, what a fantastic evening we had at the Opera! We were even on ITV News Wales (LIVE!) at 630. Thank you all so much for coming, it was absolutely wonderful! Below are some of the comments we have received from people that came to see it last night. FABULOUS. WELL DONE ALL. Jess RobinsonEvening Shedders!
Jess Robinson, who is in the Men's Shed Opera, is a finalist in the Welsh Singers Competition where five of Wale’s country’s most talented young singers are competing for the opportunity to represent Wales at BBC Cardiff Singer of the World in 2023. We're wishing you all the luck Jess! Belinda Noreen UpdateGood Evening Shedders,
I will start by reassuring you that Noreen is on the road to recovery. Those of you who are unaware, last Friday at the Shed Noreen suffered a stroke. I would like to thank the Shedders who were present for being so amazing at a very difficult time. You were all fantastic. Stuart Rees also took a fall, he actually saved Noreen from further injury, so many thanks and I hope you are feeling much better. You were the Shed hero last Friday! A few of us have seen Noreen this week and she is doing really well, she is looking good and her spirits are high. I have reminded her that the Shed is closed Friday and Wednesday as I had visions of her jumping in a taxi to get there. We look forward to seeing you at the Shed again, Noreen, I am sure it will be sooner rather than later. The Clydach Shed is in the Community Magazine promoting the opera. Please will you tell everyone you know to come and see it, it is a wonderful opportunity for Clydach and, very importantly, the Shed. The Shed is closed this Friday and next Wednesday. We will be open Friday October 7th as usual. I'm looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow, I hope you can make it. Belinda Men's Shed Opera PosterHere it is Shedders, the poster for the Men's Shed Opera on the 28th of October. Remember to get your tickets! Christmas DinnerGood Afternoon Shedders,
Last Wednesday I started putting the wheels in motion for our Shed Christmas Dinner. I don't know where it is going to be yet or what the cost will be, I am just getting an idea of numbers. I have already got some names so, if you are interested in joining us please let me know. Plans for the opera are going well. We have had the posters and tickets, which cost £5.00, so you will soon see the posters in the shops advertising this great event. The four other venues are charging more, £15.00 in some cases, but I wanted to give everyone the opportunity to come and experience something different so we are keeping the costs down. I hope you can all come and support us. We are having chutney with crackers and soft cheese at the Shed tomorrow. I hope you can join us. See you at the Shed Belinda Men's Shed OperaHello Shedders!
We have some exciting news! The acclaimed Swansea City Opera brings a new opera, Shoulder to Shoulder, to Clydach on Friday October 28th 2022. Working with Men's Shed Cymru, co-directors Brendan Wheatley and Bridgett Gill visited different sheds across South Wales, including Clydach, to meet members and hear their stories. The opera reflects not only the struggles members have faced but also the strength and humour they have drawn on to overcome different challenges. The are 5 soloists in the opera, 4 men and a lady, the lady is the daughter of one of the men in the story. It is about a man who has had very bad luck in his life, losing his job, his wife and then his son, and how joining a Shed (under pressure from his daughter) changed his whole life. There will be humorous scenes as well as emotional ones and we hear the stories of all four men before the opera finishes. This is something different that is coming to Clydach. The opera is going to various places in Wales and Clydach is one of them, it is not often that an opportunity like this happens here. There will be an orchestra and a choir so it will be a wonderful opportunity for people to experience the world of opera on their doorstep. We want to spread the word about the good work of the Shed movement so I hope the village of Clydach and the surrounding area will support us and come along to see the opera. Date: Friday October 28th 2022 Venue: Clydach Community Centre, Vardre Road, SA6 5LP Time: 7.30pm start, finishes approximately 9.30pm (2 hours with interval) Cost: Adults £5.00, Children £3.00 Looking forward to seeing you all! Belinda Men's Shed NewsletterGood Evening Shedders, I am forwarding the email from Rob of Men's Shed Cymru, it is the latest Newsletter and we are in it at Dynamic Rock and on the Clydach Canal. Go to the end and click the below to open it. Tomorrow it is going to be a hot day at the Shed so bring the sun cream and hat as I think you will need it. We will put the gazebos up for shelter and we will have water. I do love a sunny day at the Shed. I am looking forward to seeing you all at the Shed. Belinda HAPPY PRIDE!Here at the Shed, we're proud to celebrate diversity and inclusivity and we welcome everyone!
November 2022