Well, what an eventful couple of weeks!
Today, we officially had light. After weeks of relying on the (temperamental) Welsh sun to light our little shed, we now have a generator up and running. Thanks to the ingenuity of our shedders and some great team work we managed to repair a generator that was kindly donated to the shed from a member of the local community. Our next task is to fit some more permanent lights up in the shed. Today, the Shedders also started building a work bench (which already looks fantastic!) and continued to paint the back wall of the shed to maximise the light. We have another coat to do but it's already looking much brighter! And that's not all! The Shedders have been busy putting up a fence alongside the canal and the river and we couldn't be more impressed! What a great job! A big thank you to everyone who has donated materials - your support has been amazing. If you've got any ideas for a project that you think could be interesting, why not get in touch!
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November 2022