Good morning Shedders,
It was so nice to see you all last week after the Christmas break, I enjoyed chatting and catching up with you all on the Wednesday and Friday. The weather was good on both days, I couldn't believe we were sitting outside in January. What a bonus! It was warmer outside than inside the Shed. The passing drivers must have missed us over the break as we had a lot of toots. We make everyone's day. Tomorrow we have the company of Heno S4C. They are going to be there in the day as well as the evening, filming us just as the BBC were doing, I'm name dropping now guys! We will know more about their plans when they arrive. Please do not be put off by the thought of the cameras, they just get on with it and it is great fun to watch how they go about things. I have checked the weather and it is looking good for tomorrow, keep everything crossed that it won't change. Soup of the day is leek and potato, I know that is a favourite with many of you. Wear warm clothes as usual, kettle will be whistling so come and enjoy. See you there Belinda
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November 2022